Be considerate of your deals with the Divine
Their words are blessings, but their blades are bloodied

By using this website, you confirm to be 18 years of age or older.

Divine OCs

All characters belong to Divine Echo unless stated otherwise.

Out of Character

1. I only write and gpose with players over the age of 18yrs, but preferably 21+ yrs. I can write in-game or on discord.2. For long-term RP partnership, I like to keep a level of honest OOC communication so there are no misunderstandings regardless of ongoing in-character situations.3. I do not tolerate overly strange or dramatic behaviour outside of roleplay scenarios. I reserve the right to gpose in collaborations with friends unless discussed otherwise for OCs.4. My characters do not reflect my real life beliefs or sentiments. I prefer to keep a realistic view of not blurring in-character with out of character personalities and desires.5. I enjoy a variety of roleplay scenarios ranging from lore-abiding interactions to low, medium, or heroic fantasy elements for storylines and characters. Please keep in mind I do write for divine OCs.6. NSFW friendly, LGBTQ+ friendly.7. Dark, mature and romantic/erotic themes are welcomed but should be discussed prior. I enjoy options for both simple and complex character development.8. Roleplay should not feel 'forced' or 'owed' by anyone involved. My free time is limited enough and writing is a precious escape that I will not have wasted.

Tales of Adventure

Short stories are tagged appropriately for SFW and NSFW links.

L 'nora

the Moonwalker

Name : L'nora Gwyn
Age : 29years (26-02)
Element(s) : Ice, Lunar
Job(s) : Astrologian,
Gunbreaker, Viper
Location : Wanderer
Patron : Menphina, the Lover
Race : Miqo'te
Status : Taken

To the eye she appears much the moon blessed lioness capable of rending shadows and stars, yet beneath the surface crawls a mischievous wraith tormented by unreliable memories. Frost wreathes her ethereal soul, beauty and horror both, like the most white of Eorzean roses caught on its own wicked thorns. Hauntingly winsome, with an ashen mane falling across striking blue eyes, that which from one look will beckon an icy abyss to be lost in, yet the kind of lost that is exactly like being found.


the Boundless Dark

Name : Pallas Ahriman
Age : 35years (06-01)
Element(s) : Ice, Shadow
Job(s) : Dark Knight, Machinist
Location : Coerthas Highlands
Patron : Halone, the Fury
Race : Hyur
Status : Married
Coming Soon.


Echo of a Fallen Star

Name : Sirona "Nyx" Dione
Age : Ancient (11-04)
Element(s) : Celestial, Water
Job : Dragoon, Sage
Location : Ishgard
Patron : Nymeia, the Spinner
Race : Dragon
Status : Married
“Every star bleeds beauty into the nightsky.”

Sirona embodies the Spinner's delicate hands of Fate, a blessed web spinning destiny between slender fingers, to be painted across the moon and stars. So nicknamed 'Nyx' to represent the night sky, she is the very energy that flows through Eorzean waters and a subtle yet powerful magic that envelops each soul as the moon rises.


the Worldcleaver

Name : Oskar Mikkael
Age : 124years (21-06)
Element(s) : Wind
Job : Bard, Warrior
Location : The Black Shroud
Patron : Oschon, the Wanderer
Race : Viera
Status : Taken

Of few words and with fewer friends, he is as pleasant to observe as he is difficult to approach, at once distant and deeply personal, Oskar is the tree that stands the tallest amongst the most fierce of forests - unbreakable, but not completely unreachable. He is weighted by forlorn memories of wayward parents and heartbreak made by his very hands, resulting in the Worldcleaver rarely betraying the depth of what he feels. A cold, sardonic edge underlies the measured beauty of the male, both dangerous and seductive, he is a daunting force not to be reckoned with. Blessed by the earth mother herself, Oskar is power incarnate, with strength enough to consume the earth and remake it in his image.


the Riftdancer

Name : Hana Raijin
Age : 24years (04-08)
Element(s) : Lightning
Job(s) : Dancer, Ninja
Location : Kugane
Patron : Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Race : Raccoon
Status : Taken
Coming Soon.

L 'anatole

the Sunchaser

Name : L'anatole Sunne
Age : 29years (19-09)
Element(s) : Fire, Solar
Job : Astrologian,
Samurai, Warrior
Location : Tuliyollal
Patron : Azeyma, the Warden
Race : Miqo'te
Status : Taken

Mischief dances amidst these mortal lands, drawing fire across the horizon, chasing the sun. A duplicitous creature, hers is a judgement like a goddess of many faces who twists and turns to best fit the unfolding situation at hand; eyes of compassion, an unashamed smile of seduction, a temperamental sorceress blessed by divine fire.


of the True Autumn

Name : Enrei Kojin
Age : 34years (31-10)
Element(s) : Fire
Job(s) : Monk, Paladin
Location : Ul'dah
Patron : Nald'thal, the Traders
Race : Au Ra
Status : Taken
Coming Soon.


the Firstblessed

Name : Meliae Rhea
Age : 29 (21-12)
Element(s) : Earth
Job : Scholar, Summoner
Location : New Gridania
Patron : Althyk, the Keeper
Race : Miqo'te
Status : Taken

A powerful earth mother created by the Keeper, blessed with an immortal conscious to wander Etheirys as its reborn guardian, capable enough to sunder the very thing the Firstblessed is sworn to protect. She is the bridge between springtime and autumnal decay, an ancient wisdom scarred with the reality that while she will forever thrive, she must witness the end of all beloved things. As such, Meliae Rhea is rare to connect with, she favours time with her fellow Divine above all else.